1.Granular Heat-not-Burn Tobacco Products
(1)Product design and development (tobacco or herbal):
Involving formula design, ?avor development, and process research;
(2)Research and development of supporting materials:
For example, special spices for heat-not-burn, fuming materials, cooling materials, and ?lter materials.
(3)Production line integrated design:
Design and provide of granular heat-not-burn tobacco product production lines.
2、Slurry Process Reconstituted Tobacco Sheets
In order to realize the innovation and presentation of products and functions, highlight the functionalization and materialization of products including heat-not-burn cartridge, cooling materials, ?lters tip, aroma enrichment functional materials, Reascend has developed di?erent functional novel slurry process reconstituted tobacco sheets in response to the demands of novel tobacco. Reascend has the ability of customized development, conversion Technology and processing, and providing systematic solutions and technical supports based on the technology and application conversion of novel slurry process reconstituted tobacco sheets.
3、Novel Tobacco -- Tobacco Speci?c Flavors
Reascend has constructed a low-temperature ?avors research and development system, carried out research on trapping technique of tobacco burns distillates, and has developed special equipment to e?ectively trap the ?avor substances produced in the process of tobacco combustion, signi?cantly improved the smoking quality of low-temperature cigarettes, and adopted maillard reaction technology and a variety of extraction and separation technologies to develop a series of natural ?avor products with di?erent functional characteristics suitable for low-temperature cigarettes.